Friday, August 21, 2009

for free from defects in

We all dream of a net-free objects of pimples, spots, coloration, etching, or excess hair. We are also able to achieve this dream, by following these simple steps. 

1 - Use cream to hide the defects on the golden color of the dark areas under eyes and around the nose. Use this to hide the Quran also deficiencies in any other place in the face, such as Alouhmp, Birthmark. 
2 - doctrinaire to obtain a balanced, the color of the skin, using a cream-based feature Luster. Amsjih well with a little cream to hide imperfections, the status of the entire face. 
3 - Use a brush to put a large quantity of powder, transparent and working to stabilize the cream base and the lighting on the opposite face. 
4 - Use of the powder Khaddod Mhamshi color at the top of Khaddodk for preeminence kiss the sun. 
5 - Use the brush to put a quantity of bronze powder on the entire face. Fan brush works well to distribute the powder as usual. 
General tips and warnings: 
- Ahdhiri in the selection of appropriate to the nature of the shadows and the color of your skin. 
- Not growing Palmakiaj never think you have the most beautiful, but the fact that you Ststiqzin pain in the eyes and skin color fading in the long run. 
- Good Day Abdii Bkub lot of water to give the body enough Trtaiba to get rid of the toxins.

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