Friday, August 21, 2009

Menopausal symptoms decline over time

New research indicates that women are subject to headaches, mood swings and excitement with the approach of menopause are likely to retreat to the severity of these symptoms with their progress in life. 

  The doctors said, "There are many symptoms of menopause due to the belief that the worst with up to the age of despair." But "a number of women is going to have such symptoms as soon as they reach the age of despair." The research team tracked the status of 404 women aged between 35 and 47 years for a period of 9 years to discuss whether to change the normal menopause symptoms as well as the problems of focus and concern over the course of menopause. They found that women who had witnessed the decline in headache severity with the age of despair. The decline in the volatility of mood and emotion in the menopause transition, according to assessments by hormonal levels. and increase hormone levels, "F-ISH" follicle stimulating "the bag" with the menopause and found that both the volatility of mood and emotion decreasing with the increase in hormone levels, "F-ISH" stimulating follicles. They also found that women with pre-menstrual syndrome were more likely to be subjected to emotions and mood swings with menopause, such as those who have high levels of tension. According to this study that these disturbing symptoms generally associated with the enactment of despair back with physical changes that occur with the transition to menopause. and are currently exploring several options for the treatment of these types of syndromes of menopause, including certain drugs from the anti-tension and posters There are currently no estrogen treatment the single best for them. She said, "there is no treatment and one-size-fits all of them at this time." And noted that there are not many women with symptoms of menopause. And women who find that these symptoms interfere with their daily lives have to talk to her doctor about the treatment, but that "menopause is not a disease or Atlala."


ocim said...

great information this


Welcome said...

Great article ...women must read this

admin said...

Nice Blog Pren.. I like that